Tennis Freaks at Newk's Ranch!

Wonderful, tp-ed filled, tennis weekend! We arrived at John Newcombe's Ranch on Friday night, after picking up Josh, in Pasedena.
Met up with the Albros, Caldwells, Farmers, and all the Team Tennis Freaks. I chaperoned: Peyton, Allison, Lizzie, Jacci and Madison. What fun! who knew 12 and 13 year olds would be such fun! 2 hours to shower, dress and get makeup on... talk, talk, talk... then, the toilet paper wars.. first Casey, Alex and Josh's room, then Brendon, Hunter, Josh and Vivek's casita.. then the Sammy, Bianca, Haley room.. stolen bras and underwear...endless phone calls and... they got up promptly at 6 am! eat, got out to the courts, won 4 matches, close tie-breaker.. mixed doubles of course, and won by 1 game, to bring the SE Houston 14s to the finals!
I did manage to take down some boys on the semi-clay courts, not quite the red clay of Roland Garros stadium, but... good enough to slow the ball down, compared to hard courts.
Thanks to Jim for chaperoning the boys, coaching all day Saturday and Sunday... and driving us!
What a wonderful Dad and husband!
Here's a shot of my Chicitas next to our casita! and the whole enchilada... Team Tennis Freaks!